United States Coast Guard Anniversary

The United States Revenue Cutter Service as part of the Department of the Treasury was founded August 4, 1790. The United States Life-Saving Service and the Revenue Cutter Service merged to become today’s United States Coast Guard. 14 United States Code 1 which states: “The Coast Guard as established January 28, 1915, shall be a military service and a branch of the armed forces of the United States at all times.” The United States Lighthouse Service was merged into the United States Coast Guard in 1939. In 1967 the Coast Guard was moved into the Department of Transportation, and in 2003 they were moved into the Department of Homeland Security. They still remain a part of the United States Armed Forces, and a branch of the military.

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160 Atlantic Avenue
P.O. Box 51
Amagansett, New York 11930

e: info@amagansettlss.org

Museum Hours:

Open May through October
Every Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Docent tours are available during open hours or by appointment.


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